Does your cat make the cut? Find out if you own one of the top 4 smartest cat breeds now!

Does your cat make the cut? Find out if you own one of the top 4 smartest cat breeds now!
© Joe's Atlanta

Cats have always been a fascinating subject for pet owners and researchers alike. While we can’t exactly measure their intellect with a standardized IQ test, there are certain breeds renowned for their sharp minds. This article explores some of these intellectually gifted felines, delving into their characteristics and why they stand out among the crowd. … Read more

Why do cats prefer people who ignore them

Why do cats prefer people who ignore them
© Joe's Atlanta

Cats have long puzzled both pet enthusiasts and casual observers with their tendency to gravitate towards individuals who show them little to no attention. This behavior raises intriguing questions about feline psychology and social dynamics. Understanding why cats are attracted to aloof individuals offers insights into their independent nature and emotional intelligence. The science behind … Read more